![Green, Green Harmony Campaign](/uploads/images/editor/source/Green-Harmony-Campaign.JPG)
At Leo, we are committed to being green and also believe every effort must be made to conserve energy and save the environment. One of our newest initiatives towards these efforts is our Leonian "One Square Meter" Green Harmony Campaign.
The concept of this campaign is that no matter where we are, whether at work or rest, at home or in public, Leonians will always maintain one square meter of green harmony around ourselves and strive to enhance our green related behavior. In every corner of our everyday lives we hope to do our utmost to save energy and water and live lean, clean and green life-styles as well as establish green surroundings.
Our Leonian "One Square Meter" Green Harmony Campaign includes:
- "One Square Meter" Green Harmony and environmental conservation promotion
- Environmental conservation mindset learning and enhancement
- Various green harmony activities including a logo design competition, One Leonian environmental solution collection activity, and the annual outstanding Green Harmony Leonian competition.
Through innovation, care and implementation, we aim to ensure that every small effort made towards environmental conversation will yield the maximum results. Specific activities to turn these plans and strategies into reality include tree-planting campaigns to offset our carbon footprint, enlarging the scope of our wastewater re-use schemes, enhancing our green belt areas, minimizing the cost of production energy as well as reducing waste, and reducing the amount of leftover food. These activities will be supported by Green IT technical applications as well as an Energy Resource Management Plan.
We also aim to strengthen mutual green initiatives between Leo and our clients. We will explore how these green activities can help to create more rewarding business opportunities and provide added valued and environmentally-friendly solutions for you, our clients.