We fully support eco-friendly practices and initiatives. The 2017 Leo Rooster Calendar, one of our innovative and in-house designed corporate promotional products, was recognized and successfully registered under the category of Eco-friendly Material in the HKQAA Hong Kong Registration - Eco-friendly Series Scheme. We are pleased that our calendar was the only product for the printing industry used by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) for demonstration purposes.
Developed by the HKQAA, which is an independent certification organization established by the Hong Kong Government, HKQAA Hong Kong Registration – Eco-friendly Series is a new registration scheme. It aims to encourage the integration of environmental conservation into different life cycle stages of a product, including design, production, delivery, use and disposal.
Looking forward, we will continue to promote the use of greener materials and more environmentally friendly production processes, as well as support our clients who are dedicated to increasing the portion of environmentally friendly products in the market. Please feel free to contact our sales representatives to discuss how our green solutions can support your needs.