
Renewal of Guangdong Cleaner Production Certificate

After a series of rigorous audits and inspections held at our Heshan factory in 2014, we successfully renewed the Guangdong Cleaner Production Certificate. On behalf of the Group, our Director, Mr. CM Yeung, received the recognition in November 2014. The renewal marked another milestone for our Green Manufacturing initiatives, in addition to aligning with the China
Government’s national policy on cleaner production.

Over the years we carried out a series of waste management programs to achieve energy savings, energy reduction, waste reduction and energy efficiency enhancement. These programs promoted continuous improvement of our production processes, renewable energy usage, waste reduction from original sources, and introduced environmentally-friendly technology and equipment, as well as a significant reduction of hazardous waste.

As a pioneer in green development and sustainability in the industry, Leo will keep on introducing and promoting green technology and extending its applications to all of our business operations, while proactively participating in environmental development projects to realize our Group’s sustainable development policy. Our green initiatives and efforts have not only achieved energy savings and waste and pollutant reductions, but also improved our production efficiency. All of these efforts help support our sustainable growth and development, including eco-friendly working and living environments.

You can learn more green projects and activities that we have taken by browsing our corporate website or speaking with our sales representatives.
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