
The CLP GREEN PLUS Prestige Honor Award

As a responsible manufacturer in the printing industry, energy consumption is a vital environmental aspect for Leo. Over the years, we have placed a great deal of efforts towards managing and improving our energy usage. Last year, we received the GREEN PLUS Gold Award to recognize our commitment to energy management. This year, we were thrilled to be awarded with the CLP GREEN PLUS Prestige Honor Award 2015 as a result of our efforts.

The Prestige Honor Award 2015 was organized by CLP, one of Hong Kong’s dominant electric companies, under its GREEN PLUS Award program which rewards efforts towards energy saving and environmental awareness in the workplace. Winning organizations have continuously taken proactive approaches to implementing their energy measures, acting as role models for different industries that help promote corporate social responsibility in the industry and community.

There are approximately 500 participating organizations. Leo is the only organization from the manufacturing sector to receive the CLP GREEN PLUS Prestige Honor Award 2015. Other winners included the Airport Authority Hong Kong, Civil Aviation Department and MTR Corporation Limited.

To learn more about our environmental initiatives, please click here.
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