Leo, a caring company, is committed to doing business in a sustainable manner. Our pursuit of quality in all areas of our company means that not only do we meet the current industry standards of conservation but we exceed them.
"We have been and are continuously implementing energy-saving measures throughout our operations. Green Harmony®; is our environmental philosophy, a way for us as manufacturers to protect the environment and give back to the community in a positive and healthy way."

We follow these green philosophies because they make good business sense, not just because it's politically correct to be "Green". Reducing wastage, recycling and reusing our resources translate into significant savings and benefits to everyone involved. This means that you and your customers receive an environmentally-friendly product at an affordable price - both of which are good for business.
Through our green production and responsible practices, and our internal training and information programs, we have raised awareness about environmental protection and cultivated 'Green Leonians', who in turn are building responsible habits. We hope our leadership can inspire others to join
forces with us.