
FamLoop™ Speaks at The MobiLearnAsia Conference in Singapore, A Premier Conference on Mobile Learning

Ken Law, the CEO of FamLoop™, was invited to speak at the MobiLearnAsia Conference held in Singapore on October 2-3, 2013. He shared his experience in engaging iPad-generation children to read. MobiLearnAsia 2013 is for both business and technology professionals who are involved in the design, development and management of learning within their organizations or as a core area of business within their industry. This year, in addition to Ken, their speakers included Andrew Ng from Coursera and Geoff Stead from Qualcomm.

Developing a child’s love of reading has never been more challenging. There are more types of media fighting for their attention than ever before. Video games, mobile phones, social media and TV are just some of the distractions discouraging children from picking up a book. FamLoop™ is on a mission to create new storytelling experiences through its digital publishing solution that helps connect children and parents with interactive learning and family bonding experience.

Ken shared the findings and insights gained from their projects in creating iPad children’s books. He discussed how we can engage reluctant readers with a more innovative type of storytelling, harnessing the benefits of digital technology to augment the print book business. This includes dialogic reading that improves reading comprehension and the careful use of gamification that makes the story come alive.

Learn more how FamLoop™ and its digital publishing solution can help add value to your products.
News / News and Events / FamLoop Speaks at MobiLearnAsia Conference