
StoryMate Updates - Innovative Use of Reading Pen

To ensure that our total solution is able to add value to print businesses of all kinds, our offerings cross over into digital publishing through our associate company, MotherApp Limited. MotherApp’s latest project, StoryMate, is an attempt to direct young readers’ attention to the book through the use of an app. When a reading pen touches the page, instead of giving out a sound signal, the pen sends a signal to a mobile device or tablet instead. The app will in turn react to the signal and present animations on the screen.

The charm of this technology is its endless possibilities for extensions, which allows it to work with a variety of printed materials. The advantage of this approach is that the reading pen is already familiar to and well-loved by many children. It is also proven to be a helpful tool for children to learn from books. In addition, development costs can also be greatly reduced using this technology.

We have conducted several rounds of play tests which resulted in very positive feedback. Click here to watch the latest demo video and learn how this innovative digital publishing solution could work for your products. Please feel free to contact our sales representatives for more information.
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