
Leo Corporate Integrity & Anti-Corruption Governance Management

It was our honor to be recognized by the Chinese Government as one of thirteen National Role Models for Anti-Corruption Governance Enterprises in Guangdong Province, China earlier this year. This award reaffirms Leo’s proactive efforts to reinforce the importance of corporate integrity and anti-corruption governance management.

For a sustainable business to be successful, it must operate under the highest standards of corporate and social behavior. Over the years our Code of Conduct has defined our ethics, beliefs and standards, operating with honesty and fairness. In
2009, we voluntarily established the Anti-Corruption Governance Committee, the first private enterprise in the Guangdong Province to promote this initiative. Through various proactive and competitive measures, we help facilitate fair operations and competitiveness, as well as improve our anti-corruption governance and risk management to ensure corporate integrity.

Specifically, our objectives are:
Comply with national and local regulatory requirements to ensure fair operations and competitiveness
Proactively ensure all employees, suppliers and business partners achieve a high degree of integrity and business ethics

A few measures that we have taken include
Management of Tendering and Purchasing: To avoid conflicts of interest, we facilitated a number of standardized procedure workflows and monitoring mechanism for handling tendering and purchasing processes.

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest: In addition to the Employee Handbook, which clearly defines the code of conduct to which we comply, our staff is required to fill out a declaration of conflicts of interest form. This ensures proper conduct and integrity will be upheld.

Training & Promotion: This May we arranged a training session for 300 Leonians and invited local government officials as guest speakers to share updated policy and case studies on anti-corruption. In addition to job-related knowledge training, we also arrange awareness training sessions on a continuous basis to strengthen our Leonians’ anti-corruption mindset.

Working with Local Government: In April, we began working with the local government in order to further strengthen our ability to prevent corruption. We established five independent communication channels for Leonians to anonymously report any possible cases for further investigation.

We continue to strive to improve our performance in promoting fair operations and competitions in order to continue mutual sustainable development.
News / News and Events / Leo Corporate Integrity