
Leo Scores the Highest Mark of CSR Index in the Industrial Sector

Our efforts in sustainability were recognized as a mature model through an encouraging result in the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) CSR Index Plus cross-industry assessment in 2014. Leo scored 80.1 marks out of 100, rating the highest mark in the Industrial Sector. This result has demonstrated our mature social responsibility practices.

To benchmark our corporate social responsibility performance with our counterparts in the region, we participate in CSR Index rating organized by HKQAA each year. HKQAA was established by the Hong Kong Government Industry Department in 1989, launching the HKQAA CSR Index in 2008 to provide quantitative metrics for measuring the maturity of an organization’s social responsibility practices.

Leo has been a participant of the CSR Index for several years. In 2014, we joined a newly launched scheme, the CSR Index Plus and HKQAA Sustainability Rating & Research (SRR), which focuses on the assessment of large-scale enterprises. The scheme includes a total of 641 companies, of which 626 are listed companies in Hong Kong, contributing to 96% of the market value of the Hang Seng Index.

This outstanding assessment result reaffirms our dedication and continuous efforts in corporate social responsibility. Looking forward, we will continue to participate in a number of social and environmental programs, such as charitable activities, environmental protection and sponsorship and donations, all of which contribute to more harmonious relationships and ultimately yield a more sustainable future.
News / News and Events / Leo Scores the Highest Mark of CSR Index