
MotherApp Updates - StoryGame Won A Silver Award at My Toy Design Competition

MotherApp Limited, our associate company, participated in the My Toy Design Competition 2014-2015. Its latest and outstanding design of “StoryGame BoardGame Concept” won the silver award in the category of Toys with Smart Device Apps under Designer Group in the award presentation ceremony held on May 29, 2015.

It is becoming increasingly prominent that companies are augmenting their print products with digital publishing solutions, such as combining traditional board games with apps to become “connected toys” (i.e. intelligent and interactive physical toys that can be played with digital devices). Board games are fundamentally different from other toy categories because of their ability to draw people close and focus on the same goal in a social setting. Depending on the specific gameplay, many board games also bring along other benefits such as cultivating creativity, logical thinking, etc. Our StoryGame is designed to encourage the players to make choices and construct the storyline freely. With the addition of an app as the game host (which is also the storyteller in the case of a role-playing game), the playing experience is enhanced, more interactive, and ultimately more engaging.

“StoryGame BoardGame Concept” Key Features Highlight:
•  Use of the physical game board to engage a group of children, along with an app to assist with game play and tell the story;
•  Similar to StoryGame, children are the main protagonists of the story. They can explore and interact with other characters and children to drive the story forward;
•  Children can make difficult choices in the story, and see the consequence of their actions;
•  Children can create their own story and let other people get immersed in their story.

My Toy Design Competition 2014-15 is jointly organized by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Hong Kong Toys Council and The Toys Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong Limited, funded by CreateSmart Initiative of Create Hong Kong, HKSAR Government and supported by various local toy companies and associations. “My Toy” represents the creation of a new toy. This name highlights the importance of intellectual property and creativity.

Click here to watch the demo video of our winning design and learn how this innovative digital publishing solution could work for your products. Please feel free to contact our sales representatives for more information.
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