
Outstanding Climate Disclosure Contribution Award

We are thrilled to have been honored with the "Outstanding Climate Disclosure Contribution Award" at the Hong Kong Green and Sustainability Contribution Awards Ceremony 2024. This event, organized by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) on May 30th, 2024, recognizes organizations that have made significant contributions to climate matters. We take great pride in being the first and only printing institution in Hong Kong to receive this esteemed recognition.

In response to the increasing importance of addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development, Leo has taken proactive steps to comply with the listing rules in Hong Kong. These regulations require listed companies to disclose climate-related information by 2025. Ahead of schedule, in March 2024, we released our inaugural TCFD report, which has been independently verified. This report covers various areas including governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics/targets. It highlights the risks associated with climate change and outlines our corresponding mitigation measures. Our objective is to provide a deeper understanding of our environmental philosophy and initiatives, allowing our customers, partners, financial institutions, and other stakeholders to gain a stronger appreciation of our commitment to the environment.

Leo remains steadfast in our commitment to reducing emissions, minimizing our carbon footprint, and managing waste. We strive to contribute to global green and sustainable development. This recognition is a testament to our proactive approach to addressing climate change and our unwavering dedication to environmental sustainability within the printing industry.

News / News and Events / Outstanding Climate Disclosure