
Outstanding Performance in HKQAA CSR Index Assessment

Leo met all criteria and scored full marks during the Hong Kong Corporate Social Responsibility Index (CSR Index) 2013 assessment by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA). This indicates that Leo is one of the top ranking organizations among many outstanding participants. Mr. Albert Lee (on the left) accepted this recognition on the Group’s behalf.

CSR Index was developed by the HKQAA, an independent Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) recognized by the Hong Kong Government. In 2013, 26 organizations, which include government departments, educational institutions, publicly listed companies and private companies, participated in the CSR Index scheme. The index provides a comprehensive and quantitative method to evaluate participating organizations’ performance in practicing social responsibility. The index measures the performance in seven areas, Organizational Governance, Human Rights, Labor Practices, The Environment, Fair Operating Practices, Consumer Issues and Community Involvement and Development. To ensure a comprehensive and valuable evaluation, performance is measured on a five-point scale based on 40 various criteria.

Leo has taken part in the CSR index program for several years. Our results demonstrate Leo’s outstanding performance and achievements in corporate social responsibility. We are dedicated to continuous improvement through a number of initiatives including enhanced working and living conditions of our Leonians by effective communications and caring, improved vendor monitoring systems through stronger audit requirements and protecting the environment by adopting innovative technology. Our strong management commitment has also facilitated adopting corporate social responsibility into our daily operational practices.

In the future, Leo will continue to make our commitment to social responsibility, one of the critical values for our operations, in the pursuit of offering a better work environment and fruitful life for all Leonians.
News / News and Events / HKQAA CSR Index Assessment