
Leo Awarded with Better World Company and Green Office Labels of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals - Green Office Awards Labeling Scheme (UNMDG - GOALS)

Leo participated in the Green Office Award Labeling Scheme (GOALS), organized by World Green Organization (WGO), and supported by Junior Chamber International. The environmental initiatives and actions we have taken over the years have been well recognized, and we were awarded with two labels, the UNMDG (United Nations Millennium Development Goals) Better World Company Label and the Green Office Label. Our Director, Mr. CM Yeung, was invited to attend the presentation ceremony, held on December 9, 2013, to accept these awards.

By participating in the scheme, we continue to review our environmental footprint and strive for continuous improvement. A number of environmental initiatives, including energy, waste, water and paper consumption, and carbon emissions were carried out. Green measures have focused on updating comprehensive environmental instructions, adopting state-of-the-art technology, promoting green printing, green IT, green driving and living. We achieved more than 100 best green practices, and shared our experiences with other participants.

The UNMDGs refers to the 8 targets agreed upon by the United Nations Member States in 2000. The GOALS program is one of those targets for sustainability. Leo’s participation in the program has also led to being recognized as a "Better World Company".

Leo continues to work to serve as a role model to others in the industry, encouraging our Leonians, suppliers, customers, community and stakeholders to work together to achieve a Green Harmony® society and world.
News / News and Events / UNMDG - GOALS