
Product/Service Carbon Footprint Role Model Recognition in China

Carbon emissions have become a global concern in recent years. Leo is well aware of this trend and has been implementing carbon management initiatives for several years, setting objectives on carbon reductions.

This May, we were honored to be one of the nine Product/ Service Carbon Footprint Role Models in the digital information, paper manufacturing and printing industries categories recognized by the Chinese Government. On behalf of our Group, Director Mr. CM Yeung attended the award presentation ceremony. This recognition reaffirms that our continuous green efforts are in line with the energy saving and emission reduction goals of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan.

Striving to be a zero-waste factory and a green model within our industry, we already began to develop our carbon emissions accounting and reporting system in 2008 based on the standards outlined in ISO14064-1. This management system has been an effective tool for us to monitor emissions from different operations. Between 2007 and 2012, the carbon emission per unit was reduced by 17.6%. In addition, in 2012, our headquarters received a performance score of 86 out of 100 under the LOOP scheme, and therefore was awarded with a Platinum Label which is the highest rank and an indication of well-established and effective low-carbon office operations in Hong Kong. Our carbon emissions decreased 5.2% from 2001 to 2012.

In order to minimize our carbon footprint and to produce products in a more responsible manner, our in-house eco-friendly solutions are increasingly becoming a natural part of our day-to-day processes along the supply chain. We conduct lifecycle assessments to analyze the environmental impact of a product on all stakeholders. Different innovative initiatives have been implemented to mitigate the environmental impact of our products. These initiatives focus on three areas including product design, manufacturing process design and product carbon footprint analysis.

For more information, please browse our green initiatives section.
News / News and Events / Product/Service Carbon Footprint Role Model