
Certified Mellow Color Proficient Printer and a 100 Club Member

Leo was accredited as a certified Mellow Color Proficient Printer on March 28, 2014, acknowledging our ability to produce Marks & Spencer (M&S) packaging products. This means we have received training in the practical implementation of ISO 12647 and the PrintSpec Color QA System. In addition, Leo is proud to now be a member of the Mellow Color 100 Club, which means that we produce work which is 100% in compliance with the tight targets and tolerances of the Color Quality Management System. Our customers can be confident that their color guidelines will be consistent throughout every job, no matter how long or short the print run.

Our color team led by a ‘Color Champion’ under our Graphic Arts Technology Division is focused on creating a culture of continuous improvement through the color measurement and analysis system. We use printing equipment that has been optimized to meet the targets and tolerances of the ISO 12647 Specification, plus the demanding grey balance appearance targets of the Mellow Color PrintSpec System.

D50 lighting is used in color-critical areas for viewing prints and proofs. Our color measurement instruments are regularly calibrated and certified by the manufacturer, and reviewed every six months by a Mellow Color specialist for revision training and review. This also enforces our implementation of the PSO (Process Standard Offset) as part of our commitment to maintaining our level of excellence.

We have put a lot of resources into producing consistent standardized color that conforms to the ISO 12647 Specification. Our goal is to provide our best in production and service to achieve our clients’ confidence.

For more information, please browse our Initiatives section.
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