We are delighted to announce that we met the energy-saving, waste and emission reduction audit requirements and passed the renewal of the Guangdong Cleaner Production Enterprise inspections conducted by Cleaner Production Association of Guangdong Province and Department of Industry and Information Technology Guangdong Province for our Heshan factory. The official certificate presentation ceremony was held in December 2021. This assures that we are on the right track for achieving our green and zero-waste factory goal. We were accredited first in 2009 and since we have successfully passed all the renewal audits.
In addition to aligning with the national policy on cleaner production in China, one of our group’s long-term sustainable business goals is to be a green and zero-waste factory. We strive to manufacture greener products and contribute to the eco-friendly working and living environments. Over the years, we proactively initiated and implemented various green projects such as introduction of the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emissions treatment (starting 2018) to progressively realize our long-term goal of reducing VOCs emissions by 80% by 2025. For waste reduction, the launch of sludge drying system for wastewater treatment reduced sludge volume and moisture content. Domestic sewage sludge in 2021 was only one-fourth of those record in 2017. Along with other green initiatives, they all help achieving energy savings and reductions as well as emission and waste reductions at the source.
It is reassuring that we are on the right track of going green while more importantly has been improving our efficiency on regular basis. You can learn more our green and sustainability initiatives by browsing our
corporate website.